Thinks about...
Have you heard something about this?
During the 2011-2012 winter season, in countries like Russia or Ukraine, many homeless died frozen because of the extremely cold weather. Also a lot of apartments don't have heating and the walls or roofs, which protect people from the cold, enough. Therefore many people have died even if they were inside their apartments. Imagine how dramatic was the situation.
And at that time, what had the Governments done? They found a solution opening the subway stations for 24 hours, allowing the outdoor people to stay there to sleep. Actually, due to this workaroud worked, many lives could be saved.
Of course, the "Extreme cold Wave" is one of serious climate problems itself. However, we have to consider the problems which are related with specific circumstances like above examples.
Then, think about that..
"Which people would have risks of the cold wave?"
"What should we(or government) do for these people?"